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Rural Tourism Lab

The  Rural Tourism Lab leverages Land-Grant University academic faculty and students to provide the research support necessary to help destination leaders  measure and monitor the economic, social, and environmental impacts of recreation and tourism to make informed decisions.  

Collaborating Academic faculty and students at participating Universities and industry consultants supporting the Lab have  expertise in rural economics, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, image/branding, big data, GIS applications, mobile data analytics, and secondary data analysis.  They will  collaborate with local destination leadership to  identify local data needs in order to provide the actionable, data-driven business intelligence rural destinations need to develop effective local strategies for sustainable tourism and monitor impacts over time. 

Research Methods include:

Visitor Preference and Resident Sentiment

  • Visitor Profile Survey (online and/or on-site intercept)
  • Resident Attitudes Toward Tourism survey

Community Data Analysis (secondary data)

  • Sustainable tourism indicators
  • Economic, demographic, recreation and tourism trends
  • Economic Impact (destination and/or event)

Spatial Analysis

  • Recreation Features and Tourism Amenity Asset mapping and inventory
  • Recreation and Amenity needs gap analysis.
  • Opportunity Mapping
  • Site Design and Visualization
  • Web dashboard development

Big Data